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Get an “out of the box” external vision on your inventory by conducting a “StockScan”

102, 2021

Does your supplier offer you the service you deserve

1 February 2021|Tags: , |

Two weeks ago, I wrote an article about how inventory management can take your customer service to the next level. Make sure your customer knows what to expect, keep your promises and if things do go wrong, communicate a solution to your customer as soon as possible. Of course, [...]

2801, 2021

Cash or customer: what to focus on during this covid-19 crisis?

28 January 2021|Tags: , , |

I hope differently of course, but perhaps also your company has been hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis. You were forced to take all kinds of measures to ensure the future of your company. Sales has gone down drastically, while a lot of costs are recurring every month. Even if no [...]

1401, 2021

Strawberry, Stracciatella, Vanilla… Do I really need all of these flavours in my freezer?

14 January 2021|Tags: , , |

Two weeks ago I wrote a LinkedIn article about clearing obsolete and slow moving stock before deciding on the need for a bigger warehouse. But inventory that does move, is also worth a closer look. When comparing to my freezer at home, this concerns the “ice cream” in your [...]

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